We understand that some students choose to leave Sewanee. Sometimes they leave because of a medical condition and the departure is not so much by choice but by necessity, and they plan to return as soon as they are healthy. Others may choose to leave for their own reasons, either during or after a semester. Still, others just need a semester away for personal growth; they take a one-semester leave of absence with every intention of returning to Sewanee. These are all considered “voluntary” departures from Sewanee (as opposed to an involuntary suspension for disciplinary or academic reasons). There’s an appropriate process for each reason for leaving.

But before departing from the College of Arts & Sciences—whether during a term, or choosing not to return after the conclusion of the term, or requesting a leave of absence—please review the information on "" found in the College Catalog.

Below are the steps you need to withdraw.

  1. Select your withdrawal type: Medical Withdrawal | Personal WithdrawalNot Returning | Leave of Absence
  2. Review the reinstatement process, if applicable.
  3. Complete the appropriate forms and documents.
  4. Schedule an appointment with a representative from the Dean of Students' Office.
Medical withdrawal
Personal withdrawal
Not returning
Leave of absence